Senior Video Producer Jeff Belcher comes from a long line of Belchers. He likes his coffee black and his beer cold. A proud graduate of the Art Institute of Philadelphia, Jeff got his start by answering one of those ads in the back of a comic book saying “Can you draw this? Then you may be an artist!” He spent a number of years working in restaurants, where his last name came in very handy. He’s actually kept a record of how many times people have said to his face, “Belcher? I just met ‘er!” The count is now up to 3,802. 3,803 if you count this bio. Jeff shares his time with his cat, Leia, named after – you guessed it – the 3rd baseman for the 1970 Chicago Cubs, Billy Joe Leia. Jeff is also a lover of movies and of the sport of Kings, bowling. He once tried bowling during a movie and is now no longer welcome in several area theaters